Are you living with Persistent/Chronic Pain in Wales?
Did you know as a person living with pain you should:
- Be seen by a healthcare professional with the right skills
- Be made aware of different areas of support that can be provided
- Be given choices of treatment and have the potential pros and cons explained in easy to understand language
Find out more in the Welsh Government guidance:
Living with Persistent Pain in Wales
Your information, Your rights, What you need to know
Download the information leaflet on why NHS Wales collects information about you and how this information may be used (PDF, 775KB)
Bereavement Support
Bereavement Support
Dementia can affect anyone and many of the risks cannot be avoided. However there are things you can do to reduce your risk of developing dementia:
Antibiotics & Managing an Infection
Managing Your Infection Leaflet
Stroke FAST
Ear Care
Ear care patient information
Travel Immunisation/Vaccinations
Ideally travel vaccinations need to be administered 8 weeks prior to your holiday to ensure adequate cover. We would ask that you complete a travel questionnaire (DOCX, 16KB) prior to making an appointment and leave it with us for 1 week before contacting the surgery to allow the Practice Nurse to go through your form and make a note on your records for the reception team to relay back to you. Please note that a charge will be made for certain vaccinations that are not covered by the NHS.
Patient Spirometry Testing Info Leaflet (DOCX, 14KB)
Healthy Homes
Healthy Homes Healthy People
Warfarin Therapy Patient Information
Language Line
Language Line - Poster (DOCX, 527KB)