The practice has been asked by EPP Cymru (Education Programmes for Patients) to invite people who we feel may be interested in taking part in the Cancer Thriving and Surviving course.
The Cancer Thriving and Surviving course involves six sessions (all 2½ hours long). The aim of this programme is to support and help people affected by cancer, to build confidence in self management and maintain active and full lives. The course is free of charge.
Topics covered include:
- Ways to deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, pain, isolation, poor sleep and living with uncertainty
- Exercise for staying healthy, flexible and strong
- Making decisions
- Ways to talk about cancer
- Healthy eating
- Setting goals
- Relationships
We therefore would like to invite you to take part in the next course as we thought that you might be interested and find it useful. Please see enclosed flyer for details of the next course in your area. Places on this course are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis.
If you would like to book a place on the course, or want further information, then please complete and return the enclosed booking form or contact the EPP Cymru office on phone 03000 852280
e-mail or visit the web site at
Sign up form (DOCX, 346KB)
Surviving and thriving information
Mae EPP Cymru (Rhaglenni Addysg i Gleifion) wedi gofyn i’r feddygfa wahodd pobl a allai fod â diddordeb mewn cymryd rhan yn y cwrs Ffynnu a Goroesi Canser.
Mae’r cwrs Ffynnu a Goroesi Canser yn cynnwys chwe sesiwn (2 awr a hanner yr un). Nod y rhaglen hon yw cefnogi a helpu’r rhai sy’n cael eu heffeithio gan ganser, adeiladu hyder i hunan-reoli a byw bywyd llawn ac actif. Mae’r cwrs am ddim.
Ymhlith y pynciau, mae:
- Ffyrdd o ddelio â phroblemau fel rhwystredigaeth, blinder, poen, unigedd, diffyg cwsg a byw gydag ansicrwydd
- Ymarfer addas ar gyfer cadw’n iach, hyblyg a chryf
- Gwneud penderfyniadau
- Ffyrdd o siarad am ganser
- Bwyta’n iach
- Gosod nodau
- Perthnasau
Hoffem felly eich gwahodd i gymryd rhan yn y cwrs nesaf, gan ein bod yn credu y byddai gennych ddiddordeb ac yn gweld y cwrs yn ddefnyddiol. Mae manylion y cwrs nesaf yn eich ardal chi ar y daflen amgaeedig. Mae lleoedd ar y cwrs hwn yn gyfyngedig a byddent yn cael eu cynnig ar sail cyntaf i’r felin.
Os hoffech gadw lle ar y cwrs CDSMP, neu os oes arnoch angen gwybodaeth bellach, llenwch a dychwelwch y ffurflen amgaeedig os gwelwch yn dda neu gallwch gysylltu â swyddfa EPP Cymru ar ffôn 03000 852280 neu e-bost neu ymweld â’r wefan
Ffurflen gofrestru (DOCX, 346KB)
Taflen sy'n goroesi ac yn ffynnu