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Wellness Together
Posted or Updated on 25 Nov 2024
Your Health Needs
Health Services
What health services would you like more of? Are you able to access health services locally?
Your Views
We would like to gather your views on local health needs...
What are the biggest health issues in your area?
Older People
What services would benefit our agingpopulation?
How can we reach our older population?
Are you aware of the increase in Diabetes in our community?
Are you aware of the possible consequence of lifestyle choices?
How can we work better with communities and each other?
How can we take a more joined-up approach?
Mental Health
Is Mental Health a growing issue in your community?
Where would you go for support with Mental Health issues?
Eich Anghenion Iechyd
Gwasanaethau Iechyd
Pa wasanaethau iechyd hoffech chi gael mwy ohonynt?
Ydych chi'n gallu cael gafael ar wasanaethau iechyd yn lleol?
Eich Barn Chi
Hoffem gasglu eich barn aranghenion iechyd lleol.....
Beth yw'r materion iechydmwyaf yn yn eich ardalchi?
Pa wasanaethau fyddai ofudd i'n poblogaeth sy'nheneiddio?
Sut allwn ni gyrraedd ein poblogaeth hŷn?
Ydych chi'n ymwybodol o'rcynnydd mewn Diabetesyn ein cymuned?
Ydych chi'n ymwybodol oganlyniad posibldewisiadau ffordd o fyw?
Sut allwn ni weithio'n wellgyda chymunedau a'ngilydd?
Sut allwn ni gymrydagwedd fwycydgysylltiedig?
Iechyd Meddwl
A yw Iechyd Meddwl ynfater sy'n achosi pryder yneich cymuned?
Ble fyddech chi'n myndam gefnogaeth gydamaterion Iechyd Meddwl?